Ukrlandfarming PLC, the leading agricultural producer in Ukraine, controlled by Forbes ranked tycoon Oleg Bakhmatyuk, today announces the first coupon payment in theamount of USD 27.190 million on its 5-year Eurobonds.(ulf.com.ua)
The coupon is payable semi-annually in arrears on September 26 and March 26 at a rate of 10.875% p.a. Eurobonds issued in the format Reg S/144A and listed on the Irish Stock Exchange since 25 March, 2013.
The Eurobond issue of USD 275 million plus tap issues of USD 150 million and USD 75 million at a coupon rate of 10.875% matures on March 28, 2018.
The placements were organized by Sberbank CIB, Citigroup Global Markets Limited and Deutsche Bank AG.
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